Buy ISPLSI 2064A-100LTN100, Lattice Semiconductor ISPLSI 2064A-100LTN100 in stock

ISPLSI 2064A-100LTN100

Lattice Semiconductor

ISPLSI 2064A-100LTN100 can ship immediately , Lead Time:24H , own warehouse inventory. ISPLSI 2064A-100LTN100 in stock & ready to ship - Only sell new & original parts.

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ISPLSI 2064A-100LTN100
ISPLSI 2064A-100LTN100
199590 in stock
Тип Описание
серии:ispLSI® 2000A
статус детали:Obsolete
программируемый тип:In System Programmable
время задержки tpd(1) макс.:10 ns
источник питания - внутренний:4.75V ~ 5.25V
количество логических элементов/блоков:16
количество макроэлементов:64
количество ворот:2000
количество входов/выходов:64
Рабочая Температура:0°C ~ 70°C (TA)
тип крепления:Surface Mount
упаковка / чехол:100-LQFP
пакет устройств поставщика:100-TQFP (14x14)
ISPLSI 2064A-100LTN100
ISPLSI 2064A-100LTN100
199590 in stock

176 Reviews

4.9 Overall rating

168 out of 176 (98%)
Customers recommended this product


Rafael Marquez
Rafael Marquez
June 28, 2019
83% of users found this review helpful

I have confirmed the receiving of the package before testing the sensors, but I suppose they are working.

  • Pros: One-Stop support services of supply chain
  • Cons: nothing
Barbara Palson
Barbara Palson
May 17, 2019
99% of users found this review helpful

I order from this seller not the first time, packs well and sends quickly.And this time i ordered 7 positions.The parcel went through finland, the track was tracked. To novosibirsk 18 days.So the seller is reliable, i recommend

  • Pros: Prompt Responsiveness, Guaranteed Quality
  • Cons: I don't see any disadvantages
Daniel Adams
Daniel Adams
May 8, 2019
75% of users found this review helpful

Haven't tested product yet, but was shipped quickly and looks to be in order.

  • Pros: Competitive Market Price
  • Cons: -

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